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College Counseling

AISD students seek postsecondary opportunities around the world. The school has an experienced college counseling professional who works closely with students and their parents, assisting in all areas of the college search and application process. This includes helping students identify good “fits”—schools where they will strive both academically and socially, where they can most likely be admitted, and places that suit the family budget.

Each student receives personalized attention as the counselor strives to carefully get to know each individual. 

2024 - 2025 High school profile


The AISD counselor is a member of the following membership organizations: 

  • International Association of College and Admissions Counselors (IACAC) 
  • National Association of College and Admission Counselors (NACAC) 
  • Council of International Schools (CIS)

Students and parents can go to the AISD College Counseling google site to access a variety of resources. AISD uses Maia Learning, a college and career counseling portal, that allows for a variety of activities, and facilitates the college application process.  Parents of high school age students can be added to the account as well.

Standardized TestingAISD’s College Counselor works closely with students as they make their educational plans which may include standardized testing.  AISD helps our students access tests such as the ACT, Duolingo English Test, TOEFL, and IELTS, in addition to specific entrance exams to UK universities. Basic testing information can be found at the following websites but the right testing plan may be different for each student so it is best to speak with the counselor.  

SAT  • ACT  • Duolingo  • TOEFL  • IELTS

Bangladesh College Counselor Network (BCCN)

Bangladesh has a vibrant college counselor network, where we work together to promote our students and schools with college and university representatives. We are a dynamic group that looks to improve  the opportunities for students in Bangladesh. At the google site you can find information about each school in our network and contact information.