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Service Learning

Service Learning refers to learning that engages students in a range of experiences benefiting others and the community while advancing the school’s vision, mission, and values.

AISD’s vision is “to prepare students to become stewards of a just and sustainable world.” In order to meet our mission of creating students that contribute to a changing global society, AISD incorporates Service Learning into all divisions. Service Learning helps to develop international citizens, who are able to contribute to issues related to local and global communities through intercultural awareness and understanding.

Students choose a Service Learning project pre-established by AISD that benefits the local Bangladeshi community. Students take the lead in planning, action and reflection related to that project. This includes off-site and on-site directly-related service work during the school day and participation in group discussions facilitated by guest speakers and experts in the field. 

It is our belief that we share a responsibility for helping to make the world a better place for everyone.

orange shirts

Participation in Service Learning Program enables students to:

  • develop a sense of empathy as they participate in hands-on service activities
  • learn about their world
  • work closely with teachers, advisors, and peers to develop and implement the service learning projects
  • value diversity and develop intercultural communication skills
  • develop project goals based upon identified needs
  • problem-solve and work cooperatively to achieve goals
  • reflect upon the results and/or achievements of projects
  • begin to develop a life-long sense of commitment to their community

Service Learning in the Elementary School 

In the ES Division, action is an important aspect to the curriculum, and may take many forms including service learning. We have a strong focus on STUDENT-LED action within the curriculum, and guide students toward taking action. 

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Service Learning in the Secondary School

In the ES Division, action is an important aspect to the curriculum, and may take many forms including service learning. We have a strong focus on STUDENT-LED action within the curriculum, and guide students toward taking action. 

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Secondary Service Learning Groups 2024-25